"A breed of satin and steel. Pit bulls are a mixture of softness and strength, an uncanny canine combination of fun, foolishness, and serious business, all wrapped up in love."

-D. Caroline Coile

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Video du Jour

Millions & Millions of Everyday "Pit Bull" Dog Owners from
Animal Farm Foundation on Vimeo.


  1. Love this, need to spread it around to all the morons in Miami-Dade county who think there are really bad dogs out there. As I told my daughter the other day, when she called her dog bad because he didn't come,"He isn't bad, she's the one at fault." Bad owners, bad breeders, bad trainers, there are as many of them as there are bad parents and bad bosses. It's just that I think I care more about the dogs. (I had 3 children in 4 years and 3 Dobermans.)
